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Body Countouring

                        Venus Versa Body and Facial Contouring



As we get older, our bodies start to produce less collagen and store more fat—this is what eventually leads to wrinkles, sagging, cellulite and other signs of aging. Venus Versa™ body shaping treatments use radio frequency technology to naturally boost collagen production and break down fat cells, which diminishes fine lines and wrinkles, tightens sagging skin, smoothens out cellulite, and makes the body look slimmer, sculpted, and more toned. Radio frequency is proven safe and effective for all skin tones.

                                             How it Works

Venus Versa™ features two different applicators for body contouring: DiamondPolar™ for smaller areas like the face and OctiPolar™ to cover larger areas, such as the abdomen. Both of these applicators deliver Multi-Polar Radio Frequency and Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields to produce uniform heat on the skin. This increases collagen and stimulates a natural healing response, resulting in a dramatic improvement to the skin and body with virtually no pain and no downtime. Treatments are so comfortable that they’ve often been compared to a relaxing hot stone massage.




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